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Enrichment Papers


Kuczaj, S., Lacinak, T., et al. (2002).  Keeping environmental enrichment enriching.  International Journal of Comparative Psychology, 15(2): 127-137


Meehan, C.L., Mench, J.A. (2007). The Challenge of a Challenge:  Can problem solving opportunities enhance animal welfare?  Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 102: 246-261


Tarou, L. R., Bashaw, M.J., (2007). Maximizing the effectiveness of environmental enrichment:  Suggestions from the experimental analysis of behavior.  Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 102: 189-204


Shapiro, S.J, Bloomsmith, M.A., (1994). Behavioral Effects of Enrichment on pair housed juvenile rhesus monkeys. American Journal of Primatology  32: 159-170  


Shapiro, S.J. (2002) Effects of social manipulations and environmental enrichment on behavior and cell-mediated immune response in rhesus macaques. Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior, 73: 271-278


Social Housing Papers
Baker, K.C, Bloomsmith, M.A., et al. (2012) Benefits of pair housing are consistent across a diverse population of rhesus macaques. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 137 (3-4): 148-156
Baker, K.C, Bloomsmith, M.A., et al. (2014) Comparing options for pair housing rhesus macaques using behavioral welfare issues.  American Journal of Primatology, 76(1): 30-42
Benton, C.G., West, M.W., et al. (2013) Effect of short-term pair housing of juvenile rhesus macaques on immunological parameters. Journal of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science, 52(3): 240-246
Reinhardt, V., Liss, C., Stevens, C. (1995) Social housing of previously single caged macaques:  what are the options and risks? Animal Welfare, 4: 307-328
Roberts, S.J., Platt, M.L., (2005) Effects of Isosexual pair-housing on biomedical implant and study participation in male macaques. Contemporary Topics, 44(5): 13-18
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